nicole blonde
Hey guys! So glad you’re looking in! Hope you like my profile. I put a lot of my heart and soul into this, and I really want you to enjoy yourselves. Well, if you don’t know, I used to be this shy country girl, and now look at me! I’m still kinda shy, you know, Anyway, I just graduated from private school last year. Can’t say I miss high school much. I’m from a small town and as much as I love its charm, I also felt a little trapped there, you know? So, now I’m living in the big city and I’m not sure how good I fit in, but I’m trying. I’m never gonna become one of those fake people though. I’ll always remember my roots no matter what. Well i would like to think of myself as normal during the day and wild at night. i luv to have a good time with the people im close to but when it comes to nightclubs and bars with a bunch of strangers, im not really feeling it. i hated waking up for school but hate work even more. now that the weather is heating up im looking forward to swimming in the pool at night and staying up late. i also like to stay home and have friends over drinking and watching comedies
- Gimimo diena
- 10 Kov 1986
- Zodiako юenklas
- �uvys
- Lytis
- Moteris
- Orientation
- Heterosexual
- Body type
- Slim
- Santykiш tipas
- romati�kiems susitikimams,draugystei
- Рalis
- States/Province
- Jыs turite bыti Paprastasis narys norлdami юiыrлti рiuos duomenis
- Vedybinis statusas
- Neved�s/netek�jusi
- Vaikai
- N�ra
- Ыgis
- 163cm
- Svoris
- 54kg
- Plaukш spalva
- �vies�s
- Akiш spalva
- Rudos
- Etniрkumas
- Baltas/Kaukazieti�kas
- Tikлjimas
- Katalikas
- Rыkymas
- Ner�kantis
- Alkoholio vartojimas
- Kartais
- Iрsilavinimas
- Auk�tesnysis
- Юinomos kalbos
- English
- Hobi
- T V , Movies, Clubs / Pubs
- Interests
- Gym / Aerobics / Keep fit, Movies / Cinema, Music - Blues/Jazz, Music - Pop / R&B
- Ieрkomo юmogaus lytis
- Moteris
- Ieрkomojo vedybinis statusas
- Neved�s/netek�jusi
- Ieрkomojo vaikai
- N�ra
- Ieрkomojo plaukш spalva
- Juoda,�vies�s,Ruda
- Ieрkomojo akiш spalva
- Juodos,Rudos,M�lynos
- Ieрkomojo rыkymas
- Kartais
- Ieрkomojo gлrimas
- Kartais
- Ieрkomojo iрsilavinimas
- Auk�tesnysis,Bakalauras,Magistras
- Ieрkomo юmogaus etniрkumas
- Baltas/Kaukazieti�kas,Ispani�kas
- Ieрkomo юmogaus tikлjimas
- Tikintis � Diev�,Katalikas
- Ieрkomo юmogaus amюius
- 19 - 24
- Ieрkomo юmogaus ыgis
- 166cm - 178cm
- Ieрkomo юmogaus svoris
- 59kg - 63kg
- Registracijos data
- 22 Geg 2007 15:33:38
- Paskutinis apsilankymas
- 11 Spa 2008 04:09:16
- Vartotojo tipas
- Paprastasis narys
- Vartotojo prisijungimo bыsena
- Atsijungжs
- Blog
- Click here to see user`s blog
- Forum posts
- 0
- Profilio perюiыra
- 7482
- Populiarumas
- 0.000